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Spiritual Letter 84 ---------"Table of Contents" ------ About Spiritual Letter 84
Title:  "The True Gift of God For Our Age"
Time Period Wrtten:  February, 2006
Written by:  Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
Written to:  The Brothers and Sisters of "Planet Mirror", which is an amazing Computer "Plus" Company from Australia (click HERE to visit Their Web Site -
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Short Overview - of Spiritual Letter 84

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Introduction - to Spiritual Letter 84

Bawa.  Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all.  May God help us all.

Bawa.  My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

Bawa.  Here is a beautiful Spiritual Letter, "Spiritual Letter 84", which "We" have
called, "The True Gift of God For Our Age", a Spiritual Letter to our dearest loving brothers and sisters of "Planet Mirror", and to our dearest loving brothers and sisters of "The Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship", all who in truth are the Children of God for our age, if we like, which in truth is each of us living in this age, if we like, that is, if the
true intention
for the life within us, for our soul life, is to again becocome "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh in our current state, but this time with an understanding of our "Oneness" so it will never leave us again.  Amen.

[Note: "Planet Mirror" is an amazing Computer "Plus" Company, an Australian registered company with experience in establishing and operating mirror sites, Internet archives and other internet-based services.  To access the Web Site for Planet Mirror please click HERE (  Thank you.  Enjoy.  Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.  Amen]

Bawa.  And like "Planet Mirror", the "Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship" ( is an amazing God registered company with experience in opening the heart, before we die to the flesh in our current state, and get hell as our lot, for in truth,

          "Hell is simply the realization after our physical death of what we have done with
          our life before our death, that we have "separated ourselves" from God within us."

Bawa.  That is, the realization after our physical death that we have "separated ourselves" from "Ourselves", from the "truth of us" and from the "truth of God" within us, a truth that we have came here to join in partnership with God within us to reveal, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.

Bawa.  For if we fail to accomplish this transformation of state or consciousness in our lifetime, from the illusory "outside" of us to the very real but false inside of us, and within that, to the very real and true inside of us, which is what is wiithin God within us, establishing True Prayer within us, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us, or fail to at least truly start to do this within us, joined in partnership with God within us, then hell, or an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, becomes our lot for eternity.

Bawa.  With us then suffering after our physical death a fate similar to the apple seed that fails to germinate in the earth, that fails to germinate to the truth hidden within itself, that is, that fails to reveal the apple tree and the apple fruits hidden within it, and instead, upon hearing the truth that naturally emerge from within it, that is, when it is ready to both hear it and either accept or reject it (sort of like this Spiritual Letter coming to each of us), rejects this truth of itself, and instead rots and dies in the earth, in this way, becoming subject to 105 million rebirths, but ever again as an apple seed, never again as the Story of the "Oneness of the Apple Tree and its Fruits", that it came to the earth, to join with the earth, to tell.

Bawa.  And in this way, hell is an eternal life within us as "separate from" God within us, not anything that exists on the "outside" of us, as many of us still believe in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance. 

Bawa.  And may God help us all realize, understand, and accept that in truth the Choice of heaven or hell, is our Choice, not God's, that is, the Choice of either an eternal "Oneness with" God within us or the Choice of an eternal "separation from" God within us, is our Choice, not God's, that is, the Choice of how we will spend eternity within us, either as "One with" God within us, or as "separate from" God within us, is our Choice, not God's, and that in truth, there is no other Choice. Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.  Amen.

Bawa.  That is, a a beautiful Spiritual Letter to all of "us", if we like, living at the feet of God for our age, which in truth for our age, is our dearest loving Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, and now on the "outside" of us, is His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), also if we like.  Amen.

Bawa.  That is, to all of "us" living at the feet of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), if we like, which in truth is each of us living in this age, if we like, that is, if the true intention for our life within us, for our soul life, for the 6th life with our 6 lives, is to again become "One with" God within us before "we" die to the flesh, that
is, before "we" physically die to the "outside" of us, but this time with an understanding of "Our Oneness", so it will never leave us again.  Amen .

Bawa.  For as our dearest loving Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, teach us for our age, and now on the "outside" of us, as His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) are teaching us right now, in this Spiritual Letter,

When asked the following Question by a child,

          "Bawa, what is the relationship between us, the Prophet of God, and God?"

His Holiness, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) said,

          "Think of yourself as an orange, the Prophet of God is the juice of that orange,
          and God is the taste."

May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all. Amen.

My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

End of "Page 1 of 1" of
"Table of Contents" for
Spiritual Letter 84

This page was last updated on: February 3, 2006